Just How Safe are Home Safes for Valuables? - Trident Safes

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Just How Safe are Home Safes for Valuables?

TS Range Eurograde S2 Mini Vault Silver

A safe for valuables will provide the safest and most secure location in your home for your possessions. When it comes to protecting expensive items, a high quality home safe is the perfect choice.

The team at Trident Safes is dedicated to providing the most efficient and secure solutions for our customers. That’s why we offer a professional and reliable home safe installation service for every type of home. So, let’s take a look at how secure home safes really are, and how you can make them even safer.

Timer-based lockouts

Timer-based lockouts have added yet another level of protection to the security of home safes. The lock can be easily programmed to open only at specific times on certain days.

Alternatively, it can be programmed to open after a preset length of time following the entry of a pin code. That makes the safe inaccessible to anyone without knowledge of the timings.

Security rating

Safes are rated according to the level of protection (see our safe buying guide for details) they provide, usually denoted as a certain amount of cash. However, it’s advisable to check your insurance policy to see if you need to comply with other measures as well.

These may include how the safe was installed who by, where it’s located, and what standards it conforms to. Cash-rated safes are very hard to break into, and are perfect for protecting valuable items and jewellery.

Fitted safes

A fitted safe will offer better protection for your precious items than a freestanding unit. Fixed to concrete or fitted within a floor or wall, it gives a would-be thief less options.

In other words, it can’t be removed, and a high quality home safe will be very hard to open. For insurance purposes, make sure it’s installed by a qualified and experienced company such as Trident Safes.

Making your home safe more secure

Visibility of your safe

Always bear in mind that burglars must first locate a safe before they attempt to open or remove it. For that reason, it’s advisable to locate your safe for valuables somewhere unexpected and out of sight. It certainly shouldn’t be visible through a window.

Avoid discussing your safe with people who are not family or trusted friends. It’s easy for people to disclose sensitive information inadvertently, without knowing they’re doing it.

To make sure your safe is even more secure, Trident Safes can advise on the ideal location within your home.

Household security

If you’re investing in a home safe, it’s important to ensure your home security is also the best it can be. In simple terms, if thieves can’t get into your home, they’ll never get into your safe.

Make sure your security alarm system covers your entire home, so that thieves can’t bypass it and access your safe. Additional door and window locks are another inexpensive way of making your home – and your safe – more secure.

Choose Trident Safes

Choose the best home safe for your needs from the extensive range available at Trident Safes. For more information or to discuss the most appropriate solution for your needs, please contact our team today.

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