Rifle Cabinet & Gun Safes for Landowners

If you own a gun, you are required by law to store it safely. Without question, the best way to do that is in a gun or rifle cabinet. Unlike the USA, we are not widely known as a gun-loving nation. But hunting and shooting is an important part of our heritage, and UK gun owners number around 1.8 million. For anyone owning, or planning to own a gun, safe storage is paramount.


Owning a gun in the UK

Before you can own a gun in the UK you need to make an application for a certificate. You will need to provide detailed information on your living circumstances and reasons why you want to own a gun. You will also be asked for proof of identity and documentation on your history, criminal records and mental health.

One of the most important parts of this process is showing how you intend to store your firearm. Storage such as locked wardrobes or glass display cases will not be good enough, and your certificate will be refused. What you need is a gun cabinet or rifle safe that meets the strict criteria of UK law.


Storing a gun in the UK

There are gun safes for sale across the country, but the most essential thing is to choose one that meets the required standards. There’s no place to hide, because the police will visit your house to inspect your rifle cabinet. If it’s not up to scratch, you won’t be allowed to own a gun. Even if you’re already an owner, you need to stay ahead of the game. If you fail to keep your security up to date, you could risk losing your certificate.


Security requirements

Your gun cabinet or rifle safe needs to meet some tough requirements to be considered suitable. For guidance, these are listed below.

Security features
Your safe or storage cabinet should be made of strong metal, and fitted with an up-to-date locking device and access control.

Fixed to property
It’s important that your cabinet cannot be stolen from your home during a robbery. For that reason, it must be fixed to your property. Bolts into floor or wall joists are advisable.

Restricted access
The only person with access to the cabinet should be the person holding the firearms license. Even family and friends are denied access, unless they also have a firearms certificate.

Safe location
Your rifle cabinet should not be located in a prominent place, such as a hallway or kitchen. A locked room or secure garage is generally recommended.


Choosing the best option Rifle Cabinet

We’ve established that for gun owners, security is critical. So, if you’re looking for gun cabinets for sale, pick a company you can trust. The team at Trident Safes have over 45 years’ experience in the supply of safe and secure storage. Our services range from safe and vault installation, to safe relocations and removals, for both domestic and commercial customers. To view our products or for more information, browse our website or get in touch with our friendly team.

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